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The IS/IT systems of TESCO analyze report --- my MBA study in 2003

A.     Introduction

In UK , the supermarket had become a kind of standard in the life of people. So far it seems have barriers in this industry. Therefore, how to continue and develop the life of supermarkets in next century is the main target in future.


The TESCO lead into the IS/IT system in their royalty card policy firstly at 1997. It seems create a new way and guide this industry enter a new direction. However, is it a correct investment or not? What kind of IS/IT system will be developed? We will make a analysis below. And illustrate how benefit or damage in the system development.

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1.      書名:《傷心咖啡店之歌》

2.      作者:朱少麟。

3.      出版項:九歌出版社/民國八十五年/初版六十印/台北市/頁數:三百九十五頁


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